Rotary Club of Trivandrum Suburban Kerala - Rotary India

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Total Services 37
General Medical Camp

The RC Trivandrum Suburban and its Satellite Club along with its NS. . .

Cancer Detection Camp

The RC Trivandrum Suburban and its Satellite Club along with its NS. . .

AIDS Detection Camp

In collaboration with Kerala State AIDS Control Society (KSACS), th. . .

Donation of Books

Rtn. Venugopal of the RC Trivandrum Suburban donated educational ki. . .

Donation of Medicine Kits

The Satellite Club of the RC Trivandrum Suburban donated medicine k. . .

Awareness class

The RC Trivandrum Suburaban in association with National Service Sc. . .

Awareness Session on Preventing Domestic Violence

RC Trivandrum Suburban organised an awareness session on preventin. . .

Community Development Conference

Community Conference themed, "Sustainable Synergies - Building Res. . .

Ente Pathram Project

Ente Pathram Project

The "Ente Kaumudi" (Ente Pathram) Project at SCP LP School was init. . .

Peace Building Program

RC Suburban in association with its Satellite Club organised a Peac. . .

Bhoomipooja of House of Ms. Baby P

Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony for Ms. Baby Ps new house was held. . .

River Walk Project

RC Trivandrum Suburban, in collaboration with the Karamana River Bu. . .

Donation of CUET-UG Question Bank

RC Trivandrum Suburban donated the CUET-UG Smart Question Banks to . . .

Cleaning Campaign at General Hospital

As part of promoting importance of cleanliness and hygiene, a rally. . .

House warming of Sreejith house

house warming (paalukachu) of Mr. Sreejith was held and there by fi. . .

Home Revival Project

RC Suburban donated Rs.35,000 to Mr. Sreejith (who had a stroke and. . .

House repairing project

the Satellite Club members donated Rs.10,000 to Smt. Susheela resid. . .

Distribution of clothes Swapna Kudu

The Satellite Club of the RC Suburban distributed maxi, dhoti, bath. . .

Satellite clubs onam celebration at old age home

The members of Satellite Club of RC Suburban visited an old age hom. . .

Handing over of pens and pencils

RC Suburban handed over the filled box containing large numbers of . . .

Donation to Mithra Niketan Vikas Bhavan School

The club donated Rs. 10,000 to Mithra Niketan Vikas Bhavan High Sch. . .

Distribution of clothes to old age home

RC Suburban donated 35 sets of Maxi, lungi and thorthu to the inmat. . .

Onam kit distribution to MANAR RCC Members

On 06.09.2024 Charter Secretary Rtn. K G Nair inaugurated the distr. . .

Donation to Clubs RCC

the RC Suburban donated Rs.5,000 to its RCC (MANAR) to pay the pend. . .

Donation to SMSS Hindu Mahilamandiram

The club donated Rs.5,000 to SMSS Hindu Mahilamandiram to utilize f. . .

Financial assistance to cancer patient

The club donated Rs. 15,000 to Smt. Dr. Krishnakumari, a member of. . .

Awareness programs to the inmates of BalaBhavan

RC Suburban organized an awareness program for the benefit of inmat. . .

Donation of ceiling fans to Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

On 12.08.2024, the Rotary Club of Trivandrum Suburban donated 10 No. . .

Awareness Program on Financial Discipline

As part of the financial literacy programs of the Rotary Club of Tr. . .

Donation of a Mixer Grinder to Government School

On 09.08.2024 Rotary Club of Trivandrum Suburban donated a brand ne. . .

Payment of hospital food expenses of a child

The Rotary Club of Trivandrum Suburban paid the hospital food expen. . .

Donation of a Spectacle to blind child

On 24.07.2024, the club donated a SPECS to a partially blind studen. . .

Distribution of uniform clothes

On 18.07.2024, The RC Suburban participated distribution of uniform. . .

Setting up Independent Organic Soap Making Unit

With the initial sale proceeds of organic hand-made soaps under the. . .

Sponsoring essential clothing to poor home

The club sponsored essential clothing to the inmates of Sree Chitra. . .

Suburban Pen Drive Initiative

A pen drive initiative was launched with the objective of providing. . .