Rotary Club of Trivandrum Suburban was chartered and admitted to Rotary International on 30th August 1988. The new club was born as the 6th club in Trivandrum City under Rotary District 3211 and its mother club is Rotary Club of Trivandrum North. This was the only club then with the distinction of a Successful Breakfast Club in District 3211. PP Dr. K Ramakrishnan Nair proposed the formation of this new club around the Medical College area. District Governor Rtn. Palaniandi Pillai nominated PP Dr T C Joseph as the Governor’s Special Representative for starting the new club. The first meeting of the Provisional Club was held on 8th June 1988 at Hotel Jazeera. The new club was Christened as Rotary Club of Trivandrum Suburban with Rtn. Dr. Fazil Marickar as Charter President and Rtn. K G Nair as Charter Secretary. After the installation function of the Club, the provisional Inner Wheel Club of Trivandrum Suburban was inaugurated on 13th August 1988 with Dr. Mabel Legori as Charter President. The Charter presentation ceremony of the Rotary Club of Suburban was held on 15th October 1988 at Subramania Hall and the said function was chaired by District Governor Rtn. Dr. M Ramaswamy Iyer. This function was made unique by the establishment of 6 Endowment Awards. RC Tvm Suburban took the initiative to sponsor four new Clubs, RC Metropolis, RC Empire, RC Kazhakkoottam, and RC TVM Metro. RC Tvm Suburban has the reputation of its members being mainly Engineers, Architects, Doctors, Academicians, Scientists, Business Owners, Key Managerial Personnel, Bankers, Auditors and other Professionals and has the fame of being Five Star Club of District 3211 consistently for many years. RC Suburban has an active satellite club and it established a Rotary Community Corps (RCC), namely “MANAR”. Suburban is the only Club in the city to have its own Rotary Building constructed on land donated by its Patron Rtn. MPHF Gopalakrishnan Nair and funds raised by liberal contributions from its Members.